Welcome to Montague Valley!
Welcome to Montague Valley, Missouri's website! Montague Valley is a small town just south west of Jefferson outside of Rolla off of Route 44. Montague Valley is a small town that was opened in 1919. Every year there are always fun and enlightening things that happen in the town and many tourists come and visit! Many famous people have visited the town, from small cults to the President of the United States himself! Come visit us next time you're near by! NOTE: This website is no longer reciving updates. We have moved to this adress:MontagueValley.com
Contact Us!!
Feel free to contact us! We'd love to hear from you!! Our adress is: MontagueValleyMO@hotmail.com
Fun Things!
- Maurice The World's Fattest Donkey is Here!!
On February 3rd, 2009 weighing 45lbs at birth, Maurice was the fattest donkey in the town! People from all over the state come to see him. As he got older, Maurice got fatter, hitting 600lbs at the age of 3!
Brief History
- April 9th, 1919: Montague Plains is founded.
- June 13th, 1919: Mayor Geraldy Jones gets married to his wife, Bellatrix Jones, at the age of 34.